Saturday, September 25, 2010

Bad Days

What's that? Yes, I know it's late but I just had to tell you this. Sometimes things are just terrible, and there is no arguing a day where everything goes wrong, every red light awaits, every paper cuts, and not a single plan comes through. Good people are sick, bad people are not, and Karma seems to have taken the day off. Worries and loneliness plague the mind and sleep seems to be only a distant albeit fruitless memory. Yes? I know, but that is not the point, this is. Thank you for answering my call so late, and listening to me complain. Thank you for spending your time on me when you could be spending it somewhere else. Thank you for loving me on bad days. Thank you for constantly thinking the best in me and believing in me even at those times when I find it hard to do myself. But very most of all, thank you for giving me this one good thing, it means more than this one bad day.

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